FTS continually reviews site O&M to identify any potential cost efficiencies.
FTS identified and implemented an optimization plan for an irrigation system for a 40 acre site under Erosion Control and Drainage Measures.
This optimization resulted in an annual reduction of site costs by $135,000 or over $1 million since implementation.

Portability, Security and Data Integrity
FTS completed a conversion of a 1.5 million plus client groundwater data records previously stored in multiple versions of EQuIS, GISKey, MS Access or in Excel spreadsheets to a single database platform.

Development of Innovative Technologies
FTS developed a proprietary field data management and quality control system for groundwater sampling events (Mobile Management Data Collection) which provides automation and control along with “real time” access to data.

Permit Negotiations and Process Optimization
Annual $60,000 reduction of client remedial operations expenditures and mitigation of future costs at a former wood treating facility encompassing 216 acres located within the Chesapeake Bay Critical Area.

NAPL Recovery Technical Initiative
FTS implemented the client’s technical initiatives in the development of product recovery well construction specifications, specifically for coal tar and creosote DNAPL.